Karolyna Veloso Rodrigues

Central West University Center, Brazil

Title: Reception in primary Health Care and the role of physiotherapy in the care of pregnant women in a collective manner: experience report


Pregnancy is a unique moment for the woman and her family, it is a process of great changes and adaptations, in addition to the physical changes, there are also social and psychological ones, increasing the pregnant woman’s need to receive health professionals. In his context, primary health care as gateway to the Unified Health System (SUS) has a fundamental role in the reception of this woman, creating a bond and accompanying hera t the beginning, during and after the gestacional period. Based on this, the objective of this study was to report the experience of a physical therapist resident of the Family Health Program in the develepment of a group of pregnant women, welcoming their doubts and anxieties, guiding them about breastfeeding, pain management, among other issues involving the pregnant woman’s health.


Karolyna Veloso Rodrigues is a physiotherapist, completed her residency in family health at the beginning of 2023, is currently a master's student in medical sciences at the University of Brasilia and works as a professor at the Centro Universitario do Centro Oeste – UNIDESC.